Eco-Friendly Paint and Wallpaper

You have two options when painting indoors or outdoors. There are many chemical-based paints that can be toxic, and there are also natural-based paints that are safer for the environment. This article will provide information about both natural and chemical-based paints. It also includes information on wallpaper. Maler in Stuttgart

Chemical-Based Paints

Petrochemical paints, which are most common in the market, contain VOC (volatile Organic Compounds). These paints include PVC (polyvinylchloride) and PCB [polychlorinated biphenyls], which are both highly toxic. Synthetic varnishes trap chemicals in wood and release them when the surface is worn.

Natural-Based Paints

Natural paints are more transparent than conventional paint in that all ingredients are disclosed by the manufacturer. The manufacturers use renewable raw materials whenever possible. They use natural oils instead of petrochemical chemicals. Many products from the petrochemical paints sector cannot be disposed off as toxic waste at the end of their useful life. Biodegradable natural paints and finishes have been designed. Natural paints are healthier. Natural paints provide a healthier environment and a more breathable surface.

Petrochemical paints make a plastic film, whereas natural paints have micropores that allow water to pass through. This means there’s less chance of flaking or blistering. Oil is a natural paint that nourishes the timber.

Natural paints are more expensive, but they last longer because they repel bacteria and dust. Emulsion, clay paints, and casein paint are the most common natural paints. They can be applied the same as regular paint, and you can experiment with the pigments to increase the range of colours.

Natural emulsions give a matte finish. Paints can be washed for areas that are heavy-used and then coated with a clear glaze to protect them. Clay paint emulsion is suitable for ceilings and walls. It can also be used to create a breathable surface. Powdered casein paints can be mixed to make them. The paints dry with a soft, chalky, matt finish that is washable. This makes them ideal for use in children’s bedrooms and nurseries. You can use limewash, silicate paint, or linseed oil painting for exterior walls.

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