Thai Massage Versus Sports Massage – Which Is Better For Athletes?

Thai massage may be the ultimate sports massage. By understanding the world’s oldest medicine systems, we become better equipped to treat athletic conditions.

Thai massage, also called Thai-Yoga, is rooted in the 7,000-year-old medicine system of  Sports Massage Brighton Ayurveda. Although Ayurveda is ancient, the U.S. is just discovering its therapeutic riches.

What is Thai massage?

Thai massage is also called Thai-Yoga because it is rooted in yoga. Thai massage is like having yoga done to you.

Like massage, Thai massage is performed by a practitioner onto a recipient. The client passively receives a series of stretches and compressions. Unlike most massage styles, a highly-skilled therapist will also receive therapeutic effects by offering the treatment.

Like yoga, a session involves a series of dynamic stretches. Like stretches sports therapy Brighton or postures in yoga (asanas), many muscles are stretched simultaneously.

And the stretches tend to be multi-planar. This means each stretch moves the muscles in more than just one direction. Multi-planar stretches prepare the muscle better for everyday activities than do stretches that are isolating or uni-directional.

The most notable effects of the treatment sequence include:

* Stretching tight muscles

* Loosening stiff joints, and

* Improving energy circulation.

The treatment improves energy circulation by loosening muscles that commonly tighten and restrict the flow of blood, nerves, oxygen, and other vital energy. In many Eastern health practices, this focus is called clearing chakras. By clearing all of the body’s major chakras, vital energy flow is restored throughout the body.

How is Thai massage different from Sports massage?

Sports massage is a common style of massage used to train athletes and treat sports injuries. Most massage therapists receive special training or a distinct sports massage certification in order to practice it with athletes.



